
Welcome to the HEE Nursing & Midwifery Hub

Nursing and midwifery in the NHS

Nursing, midwifery and care staff are leading transformational change across health and care and have a key contribution to delivering the NHS Long Term Plan.

Non-urgent advice: Coronavirus (COVID-19) information for nurses & midwives

As part of system-wide planning, we are working as Team CNO and with our key stakeholders to support our colleagues working in health and social care.

COVID-19 Resources for nurses

COVID-19 Resources for midwives

Latest news

Mark Radford

HEE Chief Nurse Mark Radford statement for student nurses

We would like to thank all those students who were able to come forward to support the NHS at this challenging time. It has been hugely appreciated.

e-LfH Covid-19 programme

COVID-19 online learning accessed over 1 million times

There have been 1,003,891 session launches on the HEE e-LfH COVID-19 programme since it went live on 18 March 2020.

BAME Nurse

Health Education England welcomes international celebration of the role of nurses

Celebrating the vital role that nurses play in delivering care to patients across the globe.

Midwife Gemma

Championing our incredible midwifery workforce during COVID-19 this International Day of the Midwife

Despite the challenges our system is facing now with Covid-19, it’s important for us to take this time to acknowledge the essential and highly-skilled care that midwives provide to mothers, their babies and families each and every day.

Support shown at time of need is staggering

The number of student and trainees that have agreed to work on the frontline to help fight coronavirus has now […]